Wassup LOD, We did have a very good summer this year with a dozen of new members and friends. Usually during the summer there aint many people that active / online as the last 4 years. ET has never been, as long as I know it, that stable in full servers at all times.
I am quite pride at our server and its creators ^^ and are most satisfied about the gameplay. One thing that makes us special as a server is our double-jump mode. . .but. . . I am afraid that such of a mode is also a reason for people to leave. Personally I prefer no double-jump because it isnt too realistic, right? he he
That doesnt mean I am saying that we need to change the mode because its obviously fun : P
COD and MOH are uprising which is unfortunate for us that play ET.
Last thing that I want to share with all members is that when I level up people that are new to our server, they are more willing to return to our server. If you are able, you can give them a link to our website to give them more background information of our clan.
The upcoming Clanwars will help us alot too for getting even more famous.
::sings:: Tiiiiiiiiiiiiime, is on our side. yes it is.
p.s. I almost forgot to mention that Fleilmann will bring his danish and greenland harem so be more positive! lolol