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any suggestions?
johnDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-24, 8:14 AM | Message # 1
Group: LODmembers
Messages: 155
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
I play every night or almost. an hour before bedtime. but there are not many people playing. when I start playing here a few months ago there were people constantly. Now mostly I play with bots ... WHY? not so funny to play against or with bots. not really funny to play against one person. although it was fun with szitu. I noticed that a number of players had a big ping.are there some things to do for the big ping? I also noticed that some were playing on another server. what can be done to keep them on the server? how to make them want to come play here? and of course stay?
the maps are exceedingly more fun when we play a lot!
I'd like to see this server a little fuller. do you have any suggestions?
SarcoDate: Thursday, 2010-03-25, 7:22 PM | Message # 2
Group: LODmembers
Messages: 14
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
Hello John,

Good question you ask. If i had the answer I would give it to you,...but i dont have it.
I tried to build this server to be a FUN server and I am open to any suggestions in this matter in order to improve it.

A fact is that players come and go like yearly seasons, .also cheaters and hackers (lol) and it is difficult to get a permanent (steady) flow of players.
Nevertheless in the past few months the clan and the server are progressivly growing,...maybe petiance is one of the options.

Thanks for opening this poll and i will keep any eye out for any 'workable' suggestion.

Keep it up,
Chris (aka Sarco)

deadmarchDate: Friday, 2010-03-26, 0:14 AM | Message # 3
Group: Administrators
Messages: 37
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
same of sarco all depend of the season !! every years same problem !! This is much better this years ,just see the rank of the server ! 1st suggestion dont let freezyboy acces he try to spam the site web ,i need to erase the fcking jbc server address at all two weeks. Sarco dont let5 freezy spam the server too !!!

take a look to the sky just before you die its the last time you will
wgmolnarDate: Saturday, 2010-03-27, 9:11 AM | Message # 4
Group: LODmembers
Messages: 36
Reputation: 4
Status: Offline
Hi all .

the players from serbia ( szitu, wgmolnar, balogtibike.... ) hev big PING cous the provider where we are is a big asshole !!!!

He has a server for 1000 people but he has 3000 user and the server is overloaded , and when we try to play we hev big ping from 200 and abow to 1500 .3600 was my bigest ping till now. at the telephone company they hev promis to us thet they bring us an ADSL to the end os MAY.till then we can play only after midnight when the other users are sleep smile

lodvageGastDate: Sunday, 2010-10-24, 2:58 AM | Message # 5
Group: LODmembers
Messages: 29
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
Wassup LOD,

We did have a very good summer this year with a dozen of new members and friends. Usually during the summer there aint many people that active / online as the last 4 years. ET has never been, as long as I know it, that stable in full servers at all times.
I am quite pride at our server and its creators ^^ and are most satisfied about the gameplay. One thing that makes us special as a server is our double-jump mode. . .but. . . I am afraid that such of a mode is also a reason for people to leave. Personally I prefer no double-jump because it isnt too realistic, right? he he
That doesnt mean I am saying that we need to change the mode because its obviously fun : P
COD and MOH are uprising which is unfortunate for us that play ET.

Last thing that I want to share with all members is that when I level up people that are new to our server, they are more willing to return to our server. If you are able, you can give them a link to our website to give them more background information of our clan.

The upcoming Clanwars will help us alot too for getting even more famous.

::sings:: Tiiiiiiiiiiiiime, is on our side. yes it is.

p.s. I almost forgot to mention that Fleilmann will bring his danish and greenland harem so be more positive! lolol

IIO~lod#vage gast~OII
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